News and Activities - Archive


Artificial Intelligence Implementation in the Crime Prevention, Investigation and Punishment

Dear judges and prosecutors,

We hope this message finds you well. We are coming back to you regarding the availability of new online training activities.

We are pleased to launch 2 EJTN webinars of the series 1hour lunch time webinars in the format 1 topic/1 expert/1 hour to be implemented within, (1) Criminal Law and (2) Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Portfolios on 3rd December and 17th December 2020 respectively.

You may find attached the visuals of the courses, containing information on the topic, the expert, the date and time of each of the webinars and below some more information on each course, including a short description and the link to join the trainings on Microsoft Teams platform, that we kindly ask you to disseminate.

No normal application, no selection process, no national quota foreseen in these webinars.


1.Portfolio: Criminal Justice

TopicArtificial Intelligence Implementation in the Crime Prevention, Investigation and Punishment

Speaker: Dr. Mariana Todorova, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Date: 03 December 2020, 13h – 14h CET (Brussels time)

The webinar will be composed of a short introduction and a 30 minutes presentation, followed by a  Q/A session.

Content: The presented webinar covers the very interesting aspects of use of artificial intelligence and its impact in the work of the judicial authorities of the European countries in criminal proceedings.

The Speaker, Dr. Mariana Todorova, is a futurist and researcher in the field of future studies and strategic planning, author of the book: “Artificial Intelligence. A Brief History of Development and Ethical Aspects”. She will introduce the differences between narrow, general and super AI and will discuss the current AI implementation of crime prevention, investigation and punishment. Mariana Todorova will also attempt to draw some future trends and make a forecast in this filed and will debate some ethical aspects of the topic.





Join Microsoft Teams Meeting


For any questions in relation to this training  please contact my colleague Emilie Baur


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