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Workshop: “The right to Justice and Facing the Past in Kosovo”

On May 17, 2013, Kosovo Judicial Institute and the Centre for Research, Documentation and Publication (CRDP) organized a workshop on the abovementioned topic.
At the opening of this workshop Mr. Lavdim Krasniqi, Director of the Kosovo Judicial Institute stated that “KJI in support of international organizations has managed to offer valuable expertise in the capacity building of judges and prosecutors, with special emphasis on specific topics”.
In this case, the Dutch ambassador in Kosovo, Mr. Robert Bosch said that “Those who have had a difficult past, which have been the target of violence and great injustice, dealing with the past for them is not easy”.
The main issues discussed during this workshop in panel of experts and as groups of participants were the challenges in the fight against impunity - in the context of international examples (such as the example of Guatemala) and the example of Kosovo. 
Experts of this workshop were: Mr. Carlos Castesana-Fernandez, a prosecutor at the Supreme Court in Spain, Mr. Besim Kelmendi prosecutor from the Special Prosecution Office of Kosovo, Ms. Katia Dominique, EULEX judge, Erik Larson EULEX prosecutor and Jonathan Sisson regional advisor in dealing with the past in Switzerland.
Participants of this workshop were judges and prosecutors from different levels and the staff from KJI, CRDP and Office of the State Prosecutor.

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