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Press release Ceremony on the commencement of the Initial Training Program for new judges 18 February 2021

Today on February 18,2021 was held the ceremony on commencement of the initial training of the VIII generation of judges. There are 23 new judges decreed by the Acting President, Vjosa Osmani on January 25, who today commence the 12-month training at the Academy of Justice.

The Director of the Academy, Enver Fejzullahu, as a host of this ceremony, wished a good start to the new judges and at the same time welcomed the guests of this ceremony: court presidents, representatives from the US Embassy and the EU Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative.

The new judges were firstly addressed by the President of the Supreme Court, at the same time the Chairman of the Managing Board of the Academy, Enver Peci. Who shared one of his first experiences as a judge, while he congratulated judges on their appointment and at the same time called for dedication and professionalism. "As President of the Supreme Court and Chairman of the Board of the Academy of Justice, I will be available for any ambiguities, dilemmas or questions you have, not only during the training period, but always during your journey," said President Peci at the end of his speech.

The ceremony was honored with the participation of the most important partners of the Academy of Justice, the US Ambassador, Philip Kosnett and the Head of the EU Office/EU Special Representative, Ambassador Tomas Szunyog, who with their continuous support ensured the establishment of the Academy into a professional and credible institution.

The US Ambassador, provided a summary and comparison with the challenges faced by the US justice system in recent months, setting an example of how an independent judiciary can face them to ensure a stable democracy. "You, as judges, have the power to enforce and adjudicate, but this must be rooted in the evidence and in the law itself. In your work, you must set aside anything that may distract you from pursuing justice and ensuring a just system for the people of Kosovo. This is not an easy task and requires courage. Courage to put aside political noise. Courage to act according to the law, not according to your personal or political convictions."

Head of EU Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative stated: “The Academy of Justice plays a key role in the process of judicial reforms and strengthening the Rule of Law in Kosovo. The EU Office in Kosovo works with the Academy to bring the capacities of judges, prosecutors and their judicial support staff to the level of its European peers. Proper legal education ensures that these judges in their work ensure effective protection of fundamental rights. This is a priority for the EU and a priority for Kosovo on its European path.”

The present ones were addressed by Chairman of the Kosovo Judicial Council, Skënder Çoçaj.  Mr. Çoçaj highlighted the important role that judges have and the challenges awaiting them “The path that you are beginning today may seem hard but it will be an honor for you that through your work to serve the judiciary of our country. Therefore, you shall feel proud and work with dedication and utmost efforts to reach our goals for an independent, accountable, impartial and transparent, efficient and reliable judiciary.”

At the closing part of the ceremony, Director Fejzullahu, expressing gratitude for the assistance provided by the US Government and the European Union, emphasized that “The Academy of Justice remains dedicated and continues to be a reliable institution for provision of professional trainings, and contributing to promotion of professionalism and integrity in justice making, and in the rule of law in general. Therefore, being a judge is not simply a job, it is an honor and privilege”.

With commencement of the introductory training, the newly appointed judges on February 22nd will start the 12-months initial training - the theoretical and practical parts. The judges have been appointed to serve in different courts of Kosovo and at the same time they will undertake their training in the Academy of Justice.



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