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CTP Roundtable with experts - “Challenges of the Law on Obligations Relations”

On May 17, 2013, KJI conducted a roundtable discussion on the topic “Challenges of the Law on Obligations Relations - LOR". The main purpose of this roundtable was to enhance the knowledge of judges regarding the proper implementation of the legal provisions of the LOR which deal with the prescription and the invalidity of contracts.
During this roundtable were addressed issues related to statutory limitation, absolute and relative invalidity of contracts, solution of legal and practical problems of limitations, the period of limitation, and its termination. The rights of the injured party in seeking compensation were discussed and the possibility of compensation as prescribed in request. During the training was reviewed and discussed several special cases from the case-law.
The beneficiaries of this training were judges at the Civil Division of the Court of Appeal and of the General Departments of the Basic Courts.

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