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CTP Workshop: “Inheritance Law”

On May 20 and 21, 2013, KJI conducted a two-day training on the topic “Inheritance Law”. The main purpose of this workshop was to enhance the knowledge of judges regarding grounds of inheritance, transactions between the living and the proper application of the provisions of the Inheritance Law.
During this training, through lectures and case analysis of the cases from the case-law were addressed issues related to the grounds of inheritance and the transactions between the living persons. The overall assessment was that the regulation of the inheritance issues at the moment in Kosovo is in a very important stage of its development. Problematic issues in this field of law are the existence of relics of the customary law in everyday life in some less developed regions of Kosovo, the further existence of the common property of large families in the village and the advancement of issues of women’s rights to inherit.
The beneficiaries of this training were judges of the Civil Division of the Court of Appeal and the General Departments of the Basic Courts.

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