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Sub-module - Contested procedure - part two, eighth session - topic "Provision of the claim"

On April 7, 2021, in the framework of the initial training program for newly appointed judges of the eighth generation (8), theoretical training is being conducted under the module "Contested procedure-second part" with trainer Mr. Qerim Ademaj, judge at the Court of Appeals.

Within the sub-module "Contested procedure-part two" are being treated: the conditions for imposing security measures, the consequences of non-compliance with the measures providing the claim, the content of the ruling on imposing insurance measures, court authorizations in connection with the insured items and the expenses incurred during the procedure for provision of the claim.

The training methodology is being applied with practical cases, as well as through exercises by developing also mock trial. The training is being conducted online through the "ZOOM" platform. Beneficiaries of the training are 24 newly appointed judges, two of whom are from the Serb community.

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