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CTP Workshop: “Continuation and termination of the parental right”

On May 29, 2013, KJI concocted a workshop on the topic “Continuation and termination of parental rights”. The main purpose of this workshop was to enhance the skills of judges regarding the proper application of legal provisions in force concerning the continuation and termination of parental rights. 

During this workshop were addressed issues relating to the continuation of procedure and the termination of the parental rights, the removal and return of parental rights and granting permission for marriage. It was also discussed in details the parental right as legal rules regulating relationships between children and parents, between the adoptee and the adopter, among relatives and other persons in the genre. Some cases from the case-law were addressed among them a typical case of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

Beneficiaries of this workshop were judges from the general departments of the basic courts and officials from the centers for social work.

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