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Strengthening International Legal Cooperation

On 9-10 September 2013, KJI in Cooperation with the Twinning Project, funded and managed by European Union Office in Kosovo, held two days of training with the judges appointed as coordinators for International Legal Cooperation.

The purpose of this training was to establish best practices of International Cooperation in extradition matters and execution of the foreign decisions.

International Experts during the training presented and discussed about basic principles of the International Legal Cooperation in extradition cases, specifications of these cases the cases of the organised crime. The discussion was also focused on execution of the foreign decisions, convictions and transfer of the sentences, the possibility to use video conferences, channels and communication networks, as well as the criteria related to the legal assistance in such cases.

After conclusion of the training, the judges that are assigned as contact persons for International Legal Cooperation Matters held regional meetings with international experts for coordination and cooperation in regard to the actual cases.

Beneficiaries of the training were the judges that are assigned as contact persons in International Legal Cooperation Matters and police officers from Coordination Office between national and international police.

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