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Training on Gender Equality- “Human Rights and gender Equality –international instruments, Property and inheritance issues

On 13-14 and 16-17 September 2013, KJI in cooperation with UNWOMEN, held two sessions of two-day trainings in field of human right and gender balance. In the training were discussed topics of the module “Human Rights and gender equality- international instruments”, domestic violence and key procedural issues, as well as property and inheritance issues.

The purpose of this training was to develop analytical and research skills of the participants in implementation of the international standards and national legislation on human rights and woman rights in particular. At the same time during the training were analysed state obligations towards woman rights in practical cases that are faced by women while performing their rights.

Training identified the difficulties faced by courts and other relevant institutions in practice while deciding about the request on emergent protection order and protection order, lack of the funds in providing proper services to the domestic violence victims. Also the training resulted with conclusions and recommendation through discussion of practical cases in addressing problematic issues and supplements to the legal frame in order to eliminate legal gaps and establishment of other necessary mechanisms.

Beneficiaries of this training were the judges from basic courts, victim advocates, Social Work Centre Employee, Kosovo Police Officials, Lawyers and UN representatives from Gjilan ad Gjakova Region, and Dragash too.

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