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Sub-module - Contested procedure - part two, twelfth session

On May 21, 2021, in the framework of the initial training program for the newly appointed judges of the eighth generation (8), theoretical training is being conducted under the module "Contested procedure-part two" with trainer Mr. Qerim Ademaj, judge at the Court of Appeals.

In the framework of the last training session from this sub-module is being conducted "Simulation of the session-main trial", during the realization of the simulation are treated: How the main trial session opens, which issues can be stated by the parties and their representatives, proposals that can be accepted at this stage of the procedure, the issue of possible change of the lawsuit, which evidence should be administered initially, how the experts are heard and how the closing argument is given and the closing of the main hearing session.

The training is being carried out physically at the Academy taking into account all preventive measures against the COVID-19 virus. Beneficiaries of the training are 24 newly appointed judges, two of whom are from the Serb community.

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