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Launching Ceremony of the Bankruptcy Procedures Manuals for Judges and Bankruptcy Administrators

June 2nd 2021, the Academy of Justice in Support of the Debt Resolution and Business Exit Project (IFC) - The World Bank Group, supported by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) held the publication ceremony of two manuals: “Bankruptcy Procedure Manual for judges” and the “Bankruptcy Procedure Manual for Bankruptcy Administrators”.

The manuals are intended to assist judges of the Commercial Departments, as well as Bankruptcy administrators, including other legal professionals, in the proper implementation of Bankruptcy Law through the practical guidance provided by these manuals on the procedural actions to be taken by the parties involved, and to influence the increase of efficiency and prompt resolution of cases.

The participants in this ceremony were addressed by Mrs. Katrin Ochsenbein - Head of the Domain of Economy and Employment, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), on behalf of the Debt Resolution and Business Exit Project (IFC) -World Bank Group, Ms. Syzana Dautaj, Coordinator of the Debt Resolution and Business Exit Project, Mahir Tutuli, Judge of the Court of Appeals, and the Director of the Academy of Justice, Mr. Enver Fejzullahu.

Mrs. Katrin Ochsenbein, in her speech, expressed the readiness of the Swiss state to provide assistance to Kosovo and its institutions especially in issues related to the development of the capacity of judges and bankruptcy administrators to improve the quality of work and process of doing justice, respectively in bankruptcy cases.

Mrs. Syzana Dautaj also expressed her willingness for the continuous support of Bankruptcy judges and administrators both through various training activities and through the creation of specific guidelines for entities that are involved in bankruptcy proceedings with special emphasis on helping businesses.

On behalf of the judges from the Department of Economic Affairs, Mr. Mahir Tutuli in his speech emphasized the importance of practical implementation of these manuals and provided details in terms of the manual’s content.

Director of the Academy of Justice also addressed the participants at the ceremony, who acknowledged the contribution of the IFC and SECO project, including the experts who worked on creation of the manuals, which undoubtedly represent added value for the legal library of AJ and at the same time serve as an additional tool for professional development of judges and Bankruptcy administrators.

The ceremony was attended by judges of the Appeals Court - Commercial Department and Basic Courts, as well as Bankruptcy Administrators.

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