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Specifics of Fiscal, Tax and Customs Law

On June 3 and 4, 2021, the Justice Academy, in collaboration with Checchi & Company Consulting Inc., implementer of the Commercial Justice Program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), continued to carry out pilot training in commercial justice, on the following topic: "Specifics of Fiscal, Tax and Customs Law".

This training comes as a continuation of the process of recruiting Trainers in the Commercial field, and accomplishing the planned curriculum.

The purpose of the training is for trainers to initially conduct pilot trainings defined according to specific topics, as well as to provide additional knowledge to beneficiaries on debatable issues such as: recognition of customs documents, jurisdiction of the commercial court, how to initiate litigation in fiscal division, customs and customs clearance of goods, appeal procedures, etc. 

Issues of export, customs debt, tax procedures, types of taxes, VAT, refunds, etc. will also be discussed.

Considering the loosening of Covid-19 pandemic measures, this training is being held in hybrid form, where some of the participants are physically present in the training, and others are attending online through the zoom platform, always respecting the measures and recommendations from the Ministry of Health and NIPH.

Beneficiaries of the training are: Judges of the Commercial department, Judges of the general department-civil division, as well as their professional associates.

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