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Meeting of the KJA Managing Board

June 23rd 2021, Academy of Justice’s Managing Board held its following meeting chaired by Mr. Enver Peci, President of the Supreme Court.

The Managing Board according to the agenda, initially reviewed and approved the AJ Budget Request of 2022-2024, that includes the budget request needed for carrying out activities of the Academy, planned for the 2022, as well as estimations for the 2023 and 2024, and it discussed and rendered decisions on other issues that are under the Board’s competence.

During the budget request review, the discussion mainly focused on the parts on planning and completion of the newly facilities that are under construction and inventory supply, which is necessary for functionality of the AJ building, as well as the budget cost in accordance with the decision taken by the managing Board for harmonization of the AJ employee’s status with the employees of the KJC and KPC Secretariats.

The meeting concluded, with the MB Chairman, Mr. Enver Peci offering his resignation from the position of the Chairman of the AJ Managing Board, and members of the Managing Board unanimously elected Mr. Vaton Durguti, as the new Chairman of the AJ Managing Board.

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