News and Activities - Archive


Legal Research Techniques

During March 10-12 2014, the KJI in cooperation with RIPA International organized a training program on the “Legal Research Techniques”.  This program is accomplished with a dense agenda in London UK.  The Program was enabled with the funding of the United Kingdom Embassy in Kosovo.

The program aimed further enhancement of the KJI managing staff skills on effective techniques of legal research and obtaining ideas for designing a training program on legal research for judges and prosecutors.

This program included interactive training sessions with RIPA International trainers, meeting with the Chamber of Advocates of the Britain judicial system, focusing on provision of trainings and other professional services for lawyers in UK.  Visit to the UK Supreme Court was particularly significant, where the KJI was informed about its functioning, visited its library, as well as discussed about the way that legal sources are registered, the way how collections are updated, etc.  A very fruitful presentation was provided by an official of one of the world’s largest legal databases, the ‘Westlaw’, who discusses about its services, different collections and the most suitable forms of subscription in it.

Beneficiaries: KJI Management Staff.




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