News and Activities - Archive


Strengthening International Legal Cooperation – International Convention for Children Abduction

On March 14 2014, the KJI in cooperation with the EU Twinning Project accomplished the training on International Children Abduction.

Purpose of this training was establishment of best practices in the area of adequate implementation of the procedure in cases on international abduction of children.

During this training important aspect of the law and procedure of international children abduction were treated, to include the parallel procedures in two countries with special focus on the return and detention.

The afternoon session presented advanced case studies that contained provisional measures in this procedure, in which case the participants demonstrated their skills in solving legal matters. 

Beneficiaries of this training were judges working in cases of international abduction of children from Basic Court of Prishtina and the Appellate Court, as well as professional associates of the Basic Court of Prishtina and officers of the Ministry of Justice.

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