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Workshop: “Enforcement Procedural Law – practical aspects of its application within the department of economic matters”

On 29 April 2014, Kosovo Judicial Institute conducted a training on civil field on: “Law on Enforcement Procedure – practical aspects of its application within the department of economic matters”.

During this workshop were addressed topics related to novelties of the Law on Enforcement Procedure such as enforcement in shares and portions of the business organizations, identification, assessment and sale of securities of the debtor; identification, assessment and sale of the debtor's assets in the business company, cessation of business companies, statutory changes and their reflections in enforcement cases. In particular during this workshop was treated the enforcement of arbitration decisions.

This workshop was followed by judicial practical case studies aiming to support the judges in solving dilemmas faced during their daily work, in order to be more efficient while enforcing such cases.

Beneficiaries of this workshop were civil judges and professional associates of the basic level from all regions of Kosovo.

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