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Training on “Regular and extraordinary legal remedies – criminal field”


On May 29th 2014, KJI organized a training to elaborate the legal regular and extraordinary remedies.

The training treated issues pertaining legal provisions that regulate regular legal remedies in criminal procedure, that take place because of the criminal code violations and wrongful or incomplete proof of factual state, as well as about extraordinary legal remedies in the criminal procedure.

Focus of this training was appeal as regular legal remedy in criminal procedure and extraordinary legal remedies like: procedure for review of the criminal procedure and non review of the criminal procedure, request for extraordinary softening of the sanction and request for protection of legitimacy.

This training was delivered in form of brief theoretical presentations, interactive discussion, and different exercises from the case law and based on concrete recommendations issued about application of legal provisions regulating the elaborated topics.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of Basic Instance from all regions of Kosovo, prosecutors of the Appeals prosecution as well as professional associates.

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