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Protecting the rights of children in cases of divorce and in cases of domestic violence

On 07-08 September 2021, the Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program is conducting online training through the Zoom platform on "Protection of the rights of children in cases of divorce and cases of domestic violence."

Trainers engaged in this training are Mr. Lumni Sallauka, Judge at the Court of Appeals and Mr. Valon Totaj, Judge at the Court of Appeal.

The purpose of this training is to advance the knowledge of the participants in legal aspects, whether local or international, as well as the court practice of providing assistance and protection of children during the development of relevant court proceedings, in cases involving marital disputes.

The training methodology is of a combined character with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions while presenting practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training are judges from the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, judges and prosecutors from the Basic level, as well as State Advocates.

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