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Sub-module - Criminal Code - General part, first session, topic - "Necessary protection"

On September 22, 2021, in the framework of the initial training program for newly appointed judges, the eighth generation (8) is being carried out theoretical training in the criminal field, under the module "Criminal Code - general part" with trainer Mr. Blerim Isufaj, Chief Prosecutor in the Special Prosecutor of Kosovo.


Within this topic are being treated the following topics: Overcoming the necessary protection, extreme need, overcoming the extreme need and the obligation to protect from danger.

The training methodology is being applied through practical cases and interactive discussions.


The training is being conducted in a combined way, in person at the Academy of Justice implementing all the measures and decisions of the government preventing the COVID-19 virus and online through the platform 'ZOOM' in real time.


Beneficiaries of the training are 24 newly appointed judges, two of whom are from the Serb community.

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