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Sub-module: Criminal Code – General part; Topic: “Accessory punishments” – Session nine

October 5 2021, Academy of Justice within its Initial Training Program for the newly appointed judges – generation eight, is conducting a theoretical training on the sub-module on Criminal part – general part, with trainer Mr. Burim Ademi – judge in the Appeals Court.

The sub-module on Criminal Code and the topic on “Accessory Punishments” is elaborating on the following: execution of accessory punishments, supplementary sentences and their types, waiver of the right to choose, order for compensation of loss or damage, prohibition of exercising functions in public administration or public service, order for publication of judgments and expulsion from the Republic of Kosovo.

The training methodology is applying practical cases and with the interactive method. The training is being carried out physically at the Academy of Justice, thus implementing all preventive measures against the COVID-19.

Beneficiaries of the training are 24 newly appointed judges, two of whom are from the Serbian community.

Përfitues të trajnimit janë 24 gjyqtarë të sapoemëruar, ku dy prej tyre janë të komunitetit serb.

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