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Strengthening International Legal Cooperation – Drafting outgoing requests for International Legal Assistance

During 9 to 12th of June 2014, the KJI in cooperation with the EU Twinning Project conducted two, two-day training sessions, as well as a training for judges and prosecutors selected to serve as future Trainers of KJI on the international legal assistance area.

Beneficiaries of these trainings were judges and prosecutors assigned as focal points for International Legal Cooperation in criminal field, while the Training of trainers was provided to both, judges and prosecutors, selected from these two groups.

Issues elaborated by German experts during these training sessions were mainly related to basic principles on the specifics of mutual legal assistance and in particular in cases of extradition, search, as well as witness and suspect hearing. Particular attention was paid to the way of sending requests through diplomatic and direct channels in cases of existence of an international treaty.

The training also presented the standard template forms of different requests for legal assistance, unified for member states of the European Union, as well as different classical samples used previously.

On the fourth day, on June 12th 2014, the training of future trainers (judges and prosecutors) on International Legal Cooperation was provided, which elaborated on the training methodology, content of the training program and beneficiaries of these trainings.

Experts from Germany suggested to local trainers to accomplish basic trainings for judges and prosecutors who do not have sufficient knowledge about the international legal assistance.  They suggested that these categories are provided training on incoming and outgoing requests for legal assistance, then on extradition, witness hearing, investigation methods, joint investigation teams, etc. While, continuation of this training shall include specialized trainings to cover topics like: cybercrime, money laundry, corruption, asset sequestration and confiscation from the aspect of international legal cooperation for these cases.

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