News and Activities - Archive


Forensic Department

On 5 July 2014, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with the Forensic Department conducted a practical training with the candidates of fifth generation of Initial Training Program.

The aim of this practical training for ITP candidates was to provide knowledge about the work and activities done by the Forensic Department. The knowledge gained from this institution will serve to their future professional practice, in improving the quality of work and increasing cooperation between judges and prosecutors on the one hand and the Forensic Department.

During this training, senior official of the Forensic Department informed the candidates about the departments that operate within the Forensic Department, Forensic services, legal, civil and criminal cases related to medical examinations - 24 hours on-call service, post-mortem examiners etc.

During the training, the candidates had the opportunity to visit the: the autopsy room, histopathology laboratory and toxicology, clinical examination room and the FD archive.

The training was attended by 18 candidates for judges and 10 candidates for prosecutor.

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