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Meeting of the Managing Board of the Academy of Justice

On 29 October 2021, the Academy of Justice held the meeting of the Managing Board, chaired by the Chairman of the Board, Mr. Vaton Derguti, head of the Special Department of the Appeal Court

According to the agenda, initially the members of the Board approved the minutes of the previous Board meeting.

Subsequently, the managing Board approved the new composition of the Program Council of the Academy of Justice, whose members appointed are: Mejreme Memaj-judge in the Supreme Court, Nora Bllaca-Dula, judge in the Court of Appeal, Lumnije Krasniqi, judge in the Basic Court in Prishtina, Atdhe Berisha, judge in the Basic Court in Prizren, Agim Kurmehaj, Chief Prosecutor of the Basic Prosecution in Peja and Arbresha Shala-Raça, prosecutor in the Basic Prosecution in Prishtina.

The Managing Board also discussed the Memorandum of Understanding between AJ and KPC and the Joint Protocol on mandatory training and additional training of low-performing prosecutors, while authorizing the Executive Director to sign the Memorandum in question.

In this meeting, the Managing Board discussed other issues which are in favor of the proper functioning of the work of the Academy of Justice within its competencies and legal mandate.

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