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Workshops for the elaboration of training modules for management of courts and court administrative staff

On June 30 and July 1, 2014, KJI with support of the project "Further Support to the Reform of Legal Education in Kosovo" supported by the EU, has conducted two workshops for the elaboration of training modules for management of courts and its administrative staff.

The purpose of these workshops was to prepare training modules in drafting the Initial Training Program and Continuing Training Program for court management and administrative staff and training modules for the courts and prosecutors office staff.

As a result of these workshops, working groups on the first day identified the knowledge and skills that the managerial team must contain for the management of the courts including here also the management of future judges and prosecutors. In addition there were also defined clear goals for these categories of training.

On the second day, working groups have made ​​the identification and definition of the various aspects for the development of training modules for administrative staff of courts and prosecutor offices.

During these days a conclusion was reached that these working groups should continue giving recommendations for the design and other aspects of training modules and their involvement in KJI training programs.

The aforementioned working groups were composed by court presidents, judges, chief prosecutors and prosecutors, supervisors, court administrators and prosecutors, case management officers, officials from the Secretariat of the Kosovo Judicial Council and Prosecutorial Council and staff members of KJI.

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