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ITP activities during the period of 11-15 August 2014

During 11 to 15 of August 2014, KJI conducted trainings in its Initial Training Program as per the training schedule.

On August 11th 2014, candidates for judges attended the training of the Enforcement Procedure module with the topic of: “Competence of the enforcement body and review of the enforcement proposal”, as well as the module on uncontested procedure, respectively on the topic of “General provisions of the Law on Uncontested Procedure”. While candidates for prosecutors attended the training on the module – Avoiding criminal prosecution and the module: Indictment, review procedure focusing on the topic of “Filing the indictment”.

On August 12th 2014, the candidates for judges attended the training on the module – Law on Inheritance, with the topic of “Inheritance by Law, the necessary inheritance and transactions among living persons”, while the candidates for prosecutors attended the training on the Module of Indictment and review procedure with the topic of “Rights of the defendant after receipt of the indictment”. On this day, the candidates for judges and prosecutors together attended also training on the module of Special Procedure according to the CPCK, with the topic of “Procedure against persons who committed offences under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and criminal procedure involving perpetrators with mental disorders”.

On August 14th 2014, a joint training was provided to candidates for judges and prosecutors on the “E-learning platform”.

August 15th 2014, candidates for judges and prosecutors have undertaken the training on two joint modules: Cyber crime and administration of criminal procedure, on the topic of “service delivery of letters, decisions execution as well as other provisions”.

Trainings were conducted in up-to-date methodology, combining theoretical explanations with practical cases, through case studies and division of the candidates into groups. 

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