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Sustainable leadership

On August 26th 2014, the KJI in cooperation with USAID EROL accomplished a training on the topic of “Sustainable leadership”.

Main goals of this training were: the welfare dimensions that are necessary for a sustainable judicial system, methods for identifying risk factors and development of protective processes to include the techniques of stress management, methods for developing protective factors, risk identification using a list of welfare goals, as well as development of a personal plan for the well being and for understanding the sustainable psychology of the behavioral change.

Through the use of adult teaching methods, dimensions of well being were treated focusing on the so called “Welfare Circle” that includes well being of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual state, relations with others as well as environment where we live and work. Among the elaborated topics were also the symptoms and practical treatment of stress, developing sustainability, including drafting of personal well being plans by the beneficiaries, which would focus on personal goals of well being, the short term steps of actions, as well as identifying obstacles and ways to approach them.

Beneficiaries of this training were KJI staff.

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