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Training of the Special Prosecutors on Basic Principals of the International Legal Cooperation

Training of the Special Prosecutors on Basic Principals of the International Legal Cooperation

On 11 and 12 September 2014, KJI in cooperation with EU Twinning Project conducted two training session on International Legal Cooperation in criminal matters for special prosecutors regarding the ILCCM basic principals  

The main purpose of these session was the proper application of International Legal Cooperation in Criminal Matters and the establishment of best practices on this area. 

During these sessions were highlighted the concepts and general principles under which is governed the International Legal Cooperation such as; the principle of reciprocity, double criminality, rule of specialty, ne bis in idem and political aspects.

Also referring to the Law on International Legal Cooperation, detailed explanations were given regarding the different types of legal requirements, procedure and obstacles that may arise in practice during their execution. Trainers were specifically focused on extradition cases, the hearing of witnesses and other issues of interest to international legal assistance.

Beneficiaries of the training were special prosecutors the Kosovo Special Prosecution Office.

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