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Training of Trainers – Procedural Impartiality


During September 3-5 2014, the KJI in cooperation with the USAID EROL conducted a Training of Trainers on the topic of “Procedural Impartiality”. This program was delivered by US Judges experienced in the area of judicial training.

Focus of this training was on procedural promptness as a critical point in understanding how the public interprets its experiences with the judicial system, and how they translate that experience into a subjective evaluation of the judicial system entirely.

This training elaborated principle of procedural impartiality like: process participation and hearing of parties’ views, the parties trust on judge’s neutrality, bringing judicial rulings based on rules and principles, respectful treatment of parties, the parties trust that the judge is honest and careful.

Through practical cases and other interactive methods, the beneficiaries had the opportunity ro engage in discussion and develop further their knowledge about the principles of procedural impartiality.

Beneficiaries: KJI trainers. 

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