News and Activities - Archive


Insurance of the claim

In order to provide participants with the assistance on interpreting the provisions of the LCP in handling requests for security measures and interim measures to differentiate the requirements for establishing procedures for determining security measures and temporary measures and to estimate where it is possible the exemption from the guarantee, KJI on October 1, 2014, has conducted training on:  "Insurance of the claim"

During this training were addressed issues related to setting conditions for security measures and its differences, the consequences for non-compliance of these measures, how the proposal may be submitted for imposing these measures and what the proposal should contain.

During the training, participants had the opportunity to discuss legal remedies against these measures, court authority in relation to the insured assets, the authority of the parties in connection with the proposed measures, the costs incurred during the procedure for securing the claim and the consequences of non-compliance to this measure.

The training was developed through practical cases and discussions in order to overcome the challenges faced in practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were basic court judges from all regions of Kosovo.

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