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Competence and jurisdiction of the General Department in Basic Prosecution

During October 13-14 2014, the KJI, within its Training Program for Promotion, organized a second training session focusing on the Competence and Jurisdiction of the General department in Basic Prosecution.

Main purpose of this training was to acquaint the newly appointed prosecutors with the applicable legislation, jurisdiction of this department and types of acts and actions the prosecutor shall undertake while performing the prosecutorial function.

Issues elaborated on the first training day were related to organization of prosecution office, types of offences falling under the jurisdiction of this department, applicable legislation, work organization of a prosecutor for efficient work and the necessary legal actions, as well as cooperation with the police and other institutions in discovering criminal offences.

On the second day, the training focused more on brining decisions on initiation, extension or ending of the criminal procedure against suspects or accused persons for committing criminal offences, raising indictment and representation, as well as the prosecutor’s role in the procedure according to legal remedies and other special procedures.

The training presented and discussed on various examples of requests and acts from practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were recently appointed prosecutors in Basic Prosecutions of Kosovo.


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