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Third Alumni conference of the four generations of KJI “Profile of a judge-prosecutor within the reformed judicial and prosecutorial system”

On October 18th 2014, Kosovo Judicial Institute organized the conference of its graduates from the Initial Training Program (ITP) for the four generations. The conference took place with the financial support of GIZ.

The conference’s focus was on the KJI’s role on professional development of judges and prosecutors as well as further enhancement of the cooperation and communication between judges and prosecutors with KJI.

In this light, senior leaders of the judiciary and prosecution presented the actual developments in the reform process and particularly emphasized the KJI’s contribution to professional growth of judges and prosecutors.

President of the Supreme Court, among others emphasized that judiciary needs a new image, which may come only through professional development.

President of KJC, in his presentation featured the ITP candidates whom he considers as asset to the judicial system.  

Acting Chief Prosecutor, besides introduction of the actual developments within the prosecutorial system, he further highlighted the fact that once the performance evaluation mechanisms for prosecutors are in place, measures will be taken that may oblige the prosecutors to attend the KJI trainings.

Along with presentations provided by heads of the judiciary and prosecution, the ITP graduates also made their presentations. Their focus was on benefits they obtained while being part of the ITP, as well as the need of intensive cooperation among KJI graduates.

It was a general conclusion that the selection process for qualifying to attend the Initial Training in UTP is professional and merit based. Preparation in ITP has influenced the graduates of this program, to successfully face challenges and reforms in the judiciary. Furthermore, it was concluded that KJI programs provide possibilities for professional development; nevertheless the judges and prosecutors shall be more demanding and active in the process of drafting the training programs.

In this spirit, in order to intensify the KJI communication with judges and prosecutors, the Network of KJI Graduates was established, which is an informal mechanism with the goal to seek continuous education, encouraging scientific research and publications on judicial practice, by actual and future members.

Benefits of the network translate into:

  • Development of professional training programs, based on a sustainable training needs assessment process, as well as organization of modern-methodology trainings.
  • Further development of legal resources and of the KJI’s library resources.
  • Publication of professional paperwork’s.

Participants elected the Networks Leadership consisting of a judge and prosecutor of each ITP generation including the KJI Coordinator.

Beneficiaries of the conference were judges and prosecutors graduated from KJI’s Initial Training Program.
















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