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Workshop for drafting the 2015 program

During October 23-25th 2014, the KJI conducted the workshop on drafting training program for judges and prosecutors for the 2015.

After an intensive work for training needs assessment which started in August of this year, which used a series of mechanisms starting from questionnaires that were distributed to all courts and prosecutions, meetings with department heads of local and international institutions, etc the KJI reached to the final stage of the process for drafting the program, which is the aim of this workshop.

At this workshop, experts of various fields discussed on the draft of proposed topics from which the KJI shall give priority to be accomplished during the first part of the 2015.

Meanwhile, the small working groups worked on the content of proposed topics to include the training objectives, beneficiary categories and other issues related to training implementation.

This workshop was enabled through the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Kosovo.

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