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Mediation and Restorative Justice

On 22 October 2014, KJI in cooperation with USAID with the “Contract Law Enforcement Program (CLE) conducted training on “Mediation and Restorative Justice”.

This training was organized with the purpose of facilitating the participants in identifying the applicable conditions of mediation and give a proper interpretation of legal provisions of mediation agreement.

During this session were addressed issues dealing with the applicable legislation, the mediation procedure, agreement and its content, the role of the court/prosecution in referral, recognition and enforcement of mediation agreements, responsive persons for mediation, etc.

A special attention was paid to the relationship between mediation and other mechanisms for alternative dispute resolution, mediation rules, and legal consequences of any liability for mediation etc.

The training was conducted interactively where participants had the opportunity to present certain issues faced during their daily work in practice.

This training was dedicated to judges and prosecutors of Peja and Gjakova region and will continue being organized in other regions as well.

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