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Judicial practice in enforcement of movable items

On October 29th 2014, the KJI within its Training Program for other professionals of the justice system conducted a one-day training dedicated to court enforcement agents related to “judicial practice in enforcement of movable property”.

Purpose of this training was to establish best practices of correct implementation of movable property enforcement, including the legal pledge and the contractual pledge.

This training presented and discussed about the territorial jurisdiction in enforcement cases, the excluded items from enforcement, the court and contractual pledge, as well as other issues of interest for the enforcement procedure.

Second session of the training developed in form of practical cases, raised dilemmas of the participants related to the competence to decide over the objection and appeal against decision of private enforcement agents, as well as related to execution of fines. The trainers, among others, explained that there is a Legal Opinion provided by the Kosovo Supreme Court on this matter.

Beneficiaries of this training were enforcement agents of all Basic Courts of Kosovo.

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