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Obtaining evidence during investigation by the prosecutors

Kosovo Judicial Institute on October 16 2014 conducted training for judges and prosecutors on “Obtaining evidence by prosecutors during investigation”.

Purpose of this training was to overcome the practical challenges that judges face in their work and to help them implement fairly the procedure for obtaining evidence during investigation, to analyze cases when the defendant and the damaged party have the right to request taking and preserving evidence and to assess the admissible and inadmissible evidence.

This training elaborated issues that are related to the way of obtaining evidence by prosecutors, direct access of the persecutor in obtaining end securing evidence,  and the request of the defendant and the damaged party to obtain or preserve evidence.

The participants had the possibility to discuss also on admissible and inadmissible evidence and for the special investigation possibility.

The training was delivered in form of practical cases and discussions.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors from the General and Serious Crimes                Department.


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