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Obtaining the child victim statement from the expert - Session I

On 02-03 February 2022, the Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program is conducting training through the Zoom platform on the topic "Obtaining the statement of child victims from the expert - Session I".

Trainers engaged in this training are: Mrs. Nesrin Lushta, Judge of the Supreme Court and Mr. Kujtim Munishi, Chief Prosecutor in the Basic Prosecution in Prishtina

The purpose of this training is to advance the knowledge of the participants regarding forensic interviewing of children that can be applied in all forms of violence, abuse or neglect which threatens or violates the physical and mental integrity of the child and which are violations of one of the fundamental human rights protected by convention.

The methodology applied was of a combined nature, with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions.

Beneficiaries of this training are: Judges and prosecutors at the level of JD and SCD.


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