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The Academy of Justice organizes the internship program for the candidates of the French School of Magistrates in judicial institutions of Kosovo

On 07-25 February 2022, the Academy of Justice, in cooperation with the School of Magistrates through the French Embassy in Kosovo, organizes an internship program in judicial institutions of Kosovo, for the two candidates of the School of Magistrates of France (ENM), Mrs. Agnès Legagne and Mrs. Julia Depetris.

Initially, the candidates were welcomed and hosted by the Executive Director of the Academy of Justice, Mr. Enver Fejzullahu and Mrs. Valmira Pefqeli, Head of ITP, where the candidates from the School of Magistrates of France were introduced to the organization system and the programs of the Academy of Justice, the judicial system in general in Kosovo, where they were instructed to continue their stay in relevant institutions.

Afterwards, the ENM candidates continued the meeting with the Chief Prosecutor of the Basic Prosecution of Prishtina, Mr. Kujtim Munishi, where they were closely acquainted with the work in the prosecution, the cases admitted by this prosecution, also Chief Prosecutor Munishi expressed his readiness to be a host institution during their internship in the offices of the Basic Prosecution of Prishtina.

This internship will last for three weeks, where candidates from ENM will have the opportunity to visit and see the practical work of prosecutors and courts from all levels in Kosovo, as well as hold informational meetings with local and international collaborators of the AJ, depending on the topics of their interest.

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