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RoundTable on family matters

On March 15-16, 2022, the Academy of Justice in the framework of the Continuous Training Program is conducting a Roundtable on Family Matters."

Moderators engaged in this roundtable are mainly judges, at the same time trainers engaged in the Academy of Justice, Mr. Shukri Sylejmani, judge in the Supreme Court, Mr. Erdogan Haxhibeqiri, judge in the Supreme Court, Mr. Mr. Fejzullah Rexhepi, Judge of the Supreme Court Nehat Idrizi, judge at the Court of Appeals, Mr. Valon Totaj, judge at the Court of Appeals, and Mr. Islam Sllamniku, permanent trainer at the Academy of Justice.

With an opening speech Mr. Islam Sllamniku, stressed once again the importance of this roundtable, thus thanking the experts for their cooperation and commitment, including the participants for their presence.

The roundtable focuses on addressing and elaborating the challenges of the case law related to the implementation of substantive and procedural provisions in the field of family law, where family matters are usually sensitive, require high level commitment and professionalism in handling cases according to protection requests therefore, this roundtable aims to address issues related to the implementation of the Law on the Family of Kosovo.

The roundtable consists of interactive discussion, presentation of issues through cases, discussions and summary of conclusions on the subject matter.

Beneficiaries of this roundtable are judges of the Basic Courts from all regions of Kosovo.

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