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Negotiation of plea bargaining agreement

On November 13th 2014, the Kosovo Judicial Institute delivered training within its Continuous Training Program treating the topic of “Negotiation of Plea Bargaining Agreement”.

This training session discussed on issues related to subjects and conditions for plea bargaining agreement, legal conditions for reaching the agreement, the prosecutor’s role in negotiation of plea bargaining and parties’ benefits when reaching the agreement, procedure for reaching the agreement and procedure before the court after submission of the plea bargaining agreement.

This training was conducted with the purpose of enhancing the judges and prosecutors knowledge pertaining to plea bargaining agreement and to help them identify subjects and conditions for negotiating plea bargaining agreements, to eliminate dilemmas about procedure implementation in relation to ruling about the plea bargaining agreement.

The training was conducted in interactive way where the participants discussed about difficulties in practice while implementing this institute.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance – the serious crimes and the general departments.

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