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Exchange Program between Kosovo Judicial Institute and National Judicial College in Reno, Nevada – US

From November 8-15 2014, KJI delegation conducted a professional exchange program in the National Judicial College of Reno – Nevada in US, with a discussion topic on various judicial issues. This program was attended by the KJI Director, a member of the Program Council and senior professional staff of KJI.

Purpose of this program was exchange of experiences with the focus on the National Judicial College’ practice and overcoming challenges in the area of judicial training.

This program elaborated crucial issues of judicial training like: the principles and practices of adult’s learning, training of trainers – policies and best practices, distance learning, development of inter-disciplinary programs and methods of training assessment. This program also discussed actual trends for ensuring sustainability of training institutions as well as long-term strategic plans related to judicial training.

Delegation visited the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges.

During this program it was also discussed about steps for cooperation between KJI and NJC on concrete issues from the area of judicial training.

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