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Development of Training Modules on E-learning

On 3 December 2014, KJI in cooperation with the EU Funded Project on “Further Support to legal Education Reform in Kosovo” conducted training for KJI staff regarding the development of Training Modules on E-learning.

The purpose of this training was to identify and assign priorities to be considered while creating training modules in distance learning platform.

During this training, German expert gave examples of best practices of distance learning modules provided by the Judicial Academy in North Rhine Westfalia, along with course management and other guidelines for interactive instruction including the resolution of cases and tests covered by these training modules.

During this training were also discussed the possibilities of developing seven (7) modules that will be part of this platform, time period until the completion and installation of these modules on the platform, group of responsible trainers, preparation of templates and courses for the platform, authors and responsible staff.

Beneficiaries of this training were KJI staff responsible for development of E-learning platform.

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