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KJI Knowledge Base

On December 4th 2014, the KJI in cooperation with the EU Funded Project on “Further Support to legal Education Reform in Kosovo” conducted a roundtable on the Knowledge Base System of the KJI’s library.

At this meeting, the project team presented an overview on both potential platforms: the Document Management System of the KJI’s platform (DMS) based on SeedDMS software that was installed at the beginning of the project, and testing of the installed institutional platform in place based on EPrints software.

During discussion it was concluded that the EPrint platform is more vital for managing all types of KJI documents that are to be accessible for KJI beneficiaries.

From the presentations, we learned that it has open access, with the possibility to limit the access on selected documents only for authorized users. In this case it was decided that the Knowledge Base System of the KJI’s library is called “KJI’s e-library”.

From this meeting it was decided on further steps in order to start implementing the KJI’s e-library:

  • Establishing a working group for e-library (administrators and IT staff) from KJI staff members who will work with e-library;
  • Train members of the working group on using and developing the platform;
  • Integrate the KJI library on KJI’s webpage;
  • Set priorities of the internal workflow for developing the KJI e-library.

Participants at this meeting were the KJI Director, Program heads and responsible staff for KJI library. 

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