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Regional workshop “Judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters”- Podgorica– Montenegro

On 1 and 2 December 2014, a workshop was conducted in Montenegro under the subject: ““Judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters”. This activity was supported by GIZ Open Regional Fund for South East Europe - Legal Reform.

The workshop was attended by officials of the Western Balkan countries that claims for the membership in the EU, Republic of Croatia (ministries of justice, judges, officials from institutions and judicial academies and professors of private international law of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Macedonia).

The main purpose of the workshop was to improve regional judicial cooperation in civil matters having cross-border implications. In this regard the European Union is promoting the development of judicial cooperation based on mutual recognition of judicial and extra judicial decisions.

At the beginning of the workshop was presented the aim of the project, while participants from each country had to present an overview of recent developments in the field of judicial cooperation, bilateral or international agreements as well as data of cases in this area including trainings related to judicial cooperation.

The group of participants from the Republic of Kosovo was composed z.Arbër Gegaj, Director of the Department for International Legal Cooperation in the Ministry of Justice, Mr. Islam Sllamniku, KJI Judicial Training and Mr. Atdhe Berisha, Basic Court Judge from Prizren. On behalf of Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Gegaj elaborated the applicable national legislation and international agreements ratified by the Republic of Kosovo in the field of judicial cooperation, bilateral agreements and other activities of the legislative and executive institutions in relation to this field.

From KJI perspective were presented activities (trainings conducted on international legal cooperation in civil and commercial area as well as international acts) with the focus on matters supported by international partners since 2008.  
This workshop was followed by productive debate with questions and answers as well as presentation of regional analyzes which resulted with concrete recommendations given by regional experts and Max-Planck Institute (Hamburg).

At the end of the workshop were identified activities and was developed an action plan regarding activities to be developed in the future with the aim of improving cooperation in the field of judicial cooperation in civil matters. Therefore, each delegation pledged to carry out the duties and obligations arising from this project and also will sign agreements and decisions to be taken by the relevant state authorities in the field of cooperation. In this occasion, KJI also pledged to develop programs and update them in accordance with the obligations arising from the process of European integration, international and bilateral agreements in the field of judicial cooperation in civil matters.

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