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Execution of measures, punishments and amendment of decisions for their execution

On 09 December 2014, Kosovo Judicial Institute on: “Execution of measures, punishments and amendment of decisions for execution”

Purpose of this training was the proper execution of measures and punishments by judges and prosecutors, difference between cases when execution is done by the prosecutor from those done by the juvenile judge, college or juvenile panel and proper interpretation of cases when the amendment of the final decision is made.

In its content the training treated issues like supervision of execution and non-execution obstacles of diversion measures and execution of community service work orders, whereas, these measures were considered as the most important part of the case law including measures and punishments that may be posed against juveniles and the execution of educational measures and punishments against minors.

The training was interactively developed with discussions and questions raised by participants. Present in this training were also Kosovo Probation Service Officials which stressed out their challenges and discussed them with judges and prosecutors. During the training were also presented practical cases related to civil disputes, prepared by the trainers   

Beneficiaries of this training were juvenile judges and prosecutors of basic and appellate level and Kosovo Probation Service Officials.                


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