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Internship Program at the Kosovo Judicial Institute

On January 7th 2015, the fifteenth group of interns completed its internship program at Kosovo Judicial Institute. This group consisted of students from the UBT College and four interns from the University of Prishtina’s Law faculty.

During their internship, the students were able to closely learn about KJI’s activities, acquaint with functioning of the judicial and prosecutorial system, to benefit from KJI trainings and from various activities organized by KJI.

With the initiative of KJI Director and their readiness, the students took over a project to work on a research related to the topic of “Inheritance and gender equality”. This research will be conducted in cooperation with responsible persons at KJI who will be supporting the interns for accomplishing their project. Similar project will be carried out also by future interns of KJI.

Upon successful completion of internship the KJI Director awarded Internship certificates to the students.

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