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CTP Training -“Law on Protection from Domestic Violence –by-laws, cooperation of judicial actors and of various institutions in the protection from domestic violence”

On April 19, 2013, KJI in cooperation with UNDP Project Initiative for the Protection and Security of Women Plus (WSSI PLUS) conducted a one day training on the aforementioned topic.
The purpose of this training was to establish best practices in the proper implementation of the provisions of the Law on Protection from Domestic Violence with special focus on the distinction between the measures of the protection orders and emergency protection and the implementation of these measures. 
During this training were highlighted basic concepts of this Law and other by-laws and the role and importance of all stakeholders of justice starting from victim advocates and social workers in the proposal for a protection order, the civil judge in the examination and imposition of measures, competencies the prosecutor for criminal offenses committed on domestic violence and the criminal judge to review and decide on such criminal offenses. 

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the basic level and victim advocates.

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