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Professional ethics and deontology

On 13 February 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute conducted training fort judges and prosecutors on: “Professional ethics and deontology”.

 This training aimed to address topics regarding ethics and deontology as key issues to a contemporary reflection on judges and prosecutors in their role to provide an independent and impartial justice and erase situations with conflict of interest or corruption.

In this context, judges and prosecutors participating in this training had the opportunity to advance their knowledge on the behavior of judges and prosecutors in accordance with the values of codes of ethics, including the implementation of the normative structure in Kosovo with the purpose to implement the principles and basic rules and apply specific rules of professional conduct.

The training mainly focused on techniques that include values protected by codes of ethics, respect of standards of ethical behavior and dignity aiming to build public trust, and increase the responsibility of judges and prosecutors in cases of violations of ethical rules.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic level.

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