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Court proceeding in working relationship disputes

Kosovo Judicial Institute, conducted training within its Continuous Training Program on “Court proceeding in working relationship disputes” that took place on February 26th 2015.

This training aimed extension of the participant’s knowledge on distinguishing the civil servants dispute from other working relationship disputes, and successful implementation of provisions of respective laws in the judge’s practical work.

Training elaborated on legal nature of working disputes, applicable legislation in these disputes with particular emphasis on working relationship disputes as per the Labor Law and the Law on Civil Service.

In this light, the implementation scope was addressed to include types of working contracts and causes for termination of working contract according to the Labor Law and Law on Civil Service.

It was also elaborated on the judicial proceeding for protection of the working relationship rights and adherence to the timelines to seek protection, in particular exhausting internal legal remedies for obtaining the right of seeking judicial protection and legal consequences in cases when the timelines are not respected.

Role, functioning, decisions and obligation for implementing decisions of the Independent Oversight Board for Civil Service of Kosovo were also areas of discussion during the training.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of civil divisions within general departments of courts, as well as legal associates.

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