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Training of Trainers on Mediation

Today on May 21 2022, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and the US Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service with the support and funded by Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) within the US Embassy is conducting the first session of the Training of Trainers in Mediation area.

This training comes as a result of a long recruitment process, started since 2021, which was completed during March 2022, in which case 15 mediators were selected to continue the Training of Trainers.

During the 3 days of training, participants will be able to advance their knowledge and develop their training capacities, together with the FMCS team from the United States of America, led by Mr. Peter Swanson, Mrs. Emily Rife and Mr. David Moora.

The whole training will be focused on practical cases and simulations, developed in advance by the training team, starting with the role of Mediator, addressing emotions to the parties, the language of the mediator and many other details that play an important role in the Mediation process.

Beneficiaries of the Training are 15 mediators selected in the group of potential Trainers by the FMCS team.

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