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PRESS RELEASE - Kosovo Justice Academy joins the Gender Champions in the Judiciary Network

By signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the AIRE Center, Kosovo Academy of Justice joins the initiative for Gender Champions in the Judiciary Network. This initiative was launched at the beginning of April during the Judicial Forum on Gender Equality in Budva, where the participants emphasized the need for a coordinated approach in the training of judicial professionals regarding this aspect throughout the Western Balkans region.

"The promotion of gender equality is an important goal in all European countries. However, there are several social factors in the Western Balkans that make this issue particularly relevant for the region. Widespread violence against women, the existence of gender stereotypes, the under-representation of women in politics and in high positions, as well as the impact of COVID-19 on particularly vulnerable women are just some of the factors that show that improving the position of women in region is an urgent matter. Women are equal in law but not in practice. Implementing the law and measures to achieve gender equality remains a serious challenge whereas, local courts and legal experts across the region have a vital role to play in addressing these challenges,” said Biljana Braithewaite, AIRE Center's Program Director for the Western Balkans.

With the signing of bilateral agreements, the AIRE Center has started cooperation with judicial training institutions in Montenegro, Serbia, North Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, thus laying the foundations for the Network's activity. The implementation of this initiative is supported by the United Kingdom Government. 

"Kosovo Justice Academy is pleased to be part of the efforts of the Gender Champions in the Judiciary Network, which will be realized today with the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the judicial academies and training centers of the region. Recognizing the importance of trainings for gender equality, from 2017 onwards, the implementation of gender equality and non-discrimination trainings commenced. Since 2017, the Academy of Justice in partnership with international professional organizations and donors, provided training on gender equality for judges, prosecutors, legal professionals, and free legal profession. The trainings have covered parts of substantive and procedural law in aspects such as property, employment, inheritance, governance, etc.," said Academy’s Director Mr. Enver Fejzullahu. 

Ms. Braithewaite welcomed the Academy of Justice, appreciating its commitment and stressing that the AIRE Center will continue to support its efforts to strengthen judicial training programs. She underlined that the existence of the Network will establish the foundations of cooperation between judicial training centers everywhere in the region. "The network will provide opportunities for strengthening connections and cooperation between judges and practitioners of the legal profession, will provide specific training with practical impact, as well as in-depth research and sharing of knowledge, skills, experiences and ideas related to gender equality, following a structured mentoring and networking model.

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